High Performance Happiness

Growth through Generosity, Gratitude & Getting Home Life Right with Alejandro Reyes

Brian Sharp / Alejandro Reyes Episode 2

I'm not sure there's a better way to kick off our very first episode than with Alejandro Reyes. Alejandro is a life-long entrepreneur, owner of Digital Napkin - a national marketing agency, and one of my favorite humans.

In this episode we dive into how he manages to balance growing companies (including helping lead a startup from $0-$100M in 2 years) to putting his family first. You'll get insight into how he prioritizes time for work, family and fun to design the lifestyle he chooses while still performing at a high level.

This episode is perfect for those wanting to learn more about Help & Hustle as it embodies everything we are looking to learn about. Sit down, enjoy and get ready for the good stuff in this one!

Some of what we cover during the interview includes: 

  • Scheduling time for family
  • Taking control of your calendar
  • The importance of generosity and gratitude
  • Getting home life right first
  • Managing stress, fear, and anxiety during times of growth/challenge
  • Abundance mindset
  • Curiosity and perseverance - Testing, testing and more testing
  • How to cultivate long-lasting energy
  • The posture of learning
