High Performance Happiness

Remote Work, Certainty Anchors and the Power of the Pause with Darren Virassammy

Brian Sharp / Darren Virassammy Episode 3

In this episode I had the opportunity to interview Darren Virassammy, author, speaker and COO of 34 Strong, Inc.- a national consulting firm that helps companies and government agencies create "a great place to work". 

During our conversation we talk a lot about the challenges facing businesses and their teams as we transition to a more "permanent" work from home environment and how we can do a better job keeping our employees (and ourselves) more engaged - including a tip I had never considered. 

We also dive into personal growth, finding balance with family, music and a lot more. Whether you are a manager or a mom or both, there's something in this one for everyone.

Some of what we cover during the interview includes: 

  • The power of “Uncertainty Anchors”
  • How to make hard decisions
  • Managing mental health and burnout
  • Managing remote teams during COVID
  • The key to remote employee engagement (it’s not what you think)
  • The “Power of the Pause”
  • Having fun and recharging 
